Over the years, the health of a man’s reproductive system surrenders.
Such changes are completely natural, as nature does not ensure the smooth functioning of the urogenital system of the stronger sex throughout life.
One of the most common pathologies affecting the organs of the male reproductive system is prostatitis. Below you can read about what medications help fight the disease.
Experts say it is the best cure for prostatitis in men
There are a huge number of drugs in modern pharmacy that have the effect of eliminating the disease. But each can be used in different situations.
Some drugs are recommended only for prophylaxis or in the chronic course of the disease, others for the worsening of prostatitis. To avoid treatment failure, medications should only be prescribed by your doctor.

Drugs for the acute form of the disease:
- Inexpensive medication with antibodies to prostate-specific antigen is used in both acute and chronic forms of prostatitis. Despite the affordable price, the effectiveness of the drug is no worse than its expensive counterparts. They are made in the form of resorption tablets, the use of which eliminates the swelling of the tissues. The medicine is taken for 2 months, 2 tablets twice a day;
- It is a selective blocker of alpha-adrenergic receptors. After taking the tablets, a noticeable therapeutic effect occurs within 4 hours. The drug relaxes the smooth muscles of the bladder neck and prostate, leading to a weakening or complete cessation of discomfort. Due to its rapid and effective effect, the drug is prescribed mainly during the exacerbation period;
- If the prostatitis gets worse, the man may experience acute urinary retention. To prevent the development of such a process, this tool, which is a corrector of urodynamics, is used. After taking the tablets, the smooth muscle of the prostate and bladder neck relaxes, causing the seizure to go away. As a result, the pressure inside the urethra decreases and the outflow of urine becomes trouble-free.
The use of other antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic agents is also permitted, allowing a good restorative effect to be achieved.

Preparations for the chronic form of the disease:
- Suppositories and pills, the main ingredient of which is prostate extract from young bulls. The use of the drug makes it possible to reduce bloating, increase the elasticity of blood vessels and improve the trophism of the organ. Regular use of the drug in the form of suppositories or tablets makes it possible to eliminate stagnant secretion and prevent it from thickening. The drug is used in both acute and chronic forms of the disease;
- Preparation made from creeping palm fruit extract. It refers to the number of affordable treatments for prostatitis. It has a good effect if a man has a chronic form of the disease, as well as in cases where there is a tendency to develop the disease and prophylaxis is needed.
In order for the chosen medicine to have a good effect, only the doctor needs to agree on dates.
Evaluation of the most effective drugs for prostatitis in the opinion of men
A lot of men over the age of 45 struggle with prostatitis every day.
As the comments in the forums and the results of various opinion polls on the network show, the stronger people most often choose the following drugs:
- prostate protection, including a complex of peptides useful for the organ;
- a composition comprising creeping palm fruit extract that liquefies the secretion and normalizes its outflow;
- suppositories and tablets based on prostate extract from young bulls that increase the flexibility of the organ vessels and reduce edema;
- a medicament comprising peptides isolated from the prostate of young bulls that contributes to the normalization of prostate function;
- a drug called pumpkin seed globulin, in which it slows prostate growth and improves bladder function;
- a complex of plant extracts that improves the tone of the bladder muscles.
Even if the drug is among the drugs approved by most patients, it is not worth self-medication. In all cases, the medicine must be prescribed by your doctor.
Recipes for the best traditional medicine to fight prostatitis at home
Folk remedies, provided they are used correctly, have no less potent therapeutic effect than medicinal therapies.
Here are the most popular recipes:

- Kalanchoe juice. . . This is the simplest, cheapest, and most effective recipe any man can use. The juice of one of the large leaves of the plant is squeezed into a glass of warm water and the solution is eaten. The device strengthens the immune system and helps eliminate inflammation;
- bear grape tincture. . . The flowers, stems and leaves of the plant are collected and dried. Pour 50 g of dried ingredient with 1 glass of vodka and leave in the dark for 15 days. 1 tablespoon. l. dissolve the foundations in a glass of warm water and take several times daily before meals;
- blueberry soup. . . The berry contains substances that have a strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. To make the broth, the berries and leaves of the plant are crushed and mixed. Afterwards - take 6 tablespoons of ingredients, pour 4 glasses of water and boil on low heat for 20 minutes. Take this medicine three times a day before meals.
There are other "grandma" recipes on the internet that are in high demand among the stronger sex.
Be sure to consult your doctor before using this or that folk remedy.
How to treat prostate adenoma?
The treatment of prostate adenoma is complex. In order to achieve the desired result, the physician will usually prescribe a number of drugs with different spectra of action.
These include antibacterial, hormonal, and herbal drugs, alpha-blockers, and 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors.
Medication for erectile dysfunction: what pills to take?
Impotence does not occur on its own. This is usually due to some pathological factor.Therefore, to completely get rid of the problem, you need to eliminate the root cause.
Drugs that help restore men’s strength include PDE-5 inhibitors and dietary supplements to treat erectile dysfunction. The use of medicines to treat erectile dysfunction should be supervised by your doctor.
List of good preventive measures

The best prevention of impotence is giving up bad habits, a balanced diet, physical activity (in moderation), and a regular sex life.
As you age, the methods listed may become insufficient to maintain men’s health.
In this case, the use of prophylactic drugs may be necessary.
Even if you are taking prophylactic medication, be sure to consult a specialist. Using this medicine without a doctor's advice may further damage your health.
Prices of men's medicines
Doctors often prescribe expensive drugs from foreign manufacturers. If you can’t afford these, don’t despair.
In pharmacies, you can find domestic equivalents that cost many times the cost of imported drugs.
The difference between the bids can be significant.
You can learn more about the most effective treatments for prostatitis with your doctor. A specialist will help you choose the right option for your situation, both in terms of costs and indications.